Ecocide is a crime


‘Ecocide is a crime’ is the name of the typeface that you are reading right now. It is a tool to show your commitment to the ecosystem and to support the campaign to add ecocide to the Rome Statute and make it a crime that can be prosecuted at the International Criminal Court (

make a point

This typeface contains several characters that have a special design. The most subtle one is the period. It is similar to the symbol for the campaign Stop Ecocide. At small sizes it looks just as a black circle, but when you zoom in, the symbol becomes visible. Use this typeface to make a point: stop ecocide! Full stop #stopecocide


Besides the letters, this typeface introduces a unique, international visual language regarding the ecosystem and biodiversity. This iconic language can be accessed through the special font Ecocide is a crime–Icons. This font makes it possible to type words and icons at the same time.


The typeface is still under construction. The prototype is available on request. If you have any further questions or want to stay informed about the development of the project, please send an e-mail to